To find the courage to keep going, to locate your strength in times of darkness, is one of life’s greatest gifts. Without it, even the most trivial ruts or setbacks would be enough to ruin our progress, and we wouldn’t get anywhere in our personal development journey. Sabrina Greenlee is a testament to that courage—not only sharing her story but inspiring others to get out of situations she was once in.

Greenlee is the mother of superstar NFL player DeAndre Hopkins, and was injured in an attack twenty years ago that left her blind, but far be it from her to let these two things define her. She’s carving out her own path and journey with S.M.O.O.O.T.H. (Speaking Mentally, Outwardly, Opening Opportunities Towards Healing), of which she’s the founder and CEO. The organization aims to empower women and bring them the tools and opportunities to get out of domestic violence situations. One program, the Pretty Scars into Stars Initiative, helps specific women with cosmetic touch-ups like massages, facials, and and anything else, she says, to help the women practice self-love and self-care. Though she spoke at the Women’s March in Houston last October and continues to be prolific in her work, she’s far from done. Greenlee is gearing up to share her story with the world with a memoir and a film with BRON studios, to be released sometime in the future.

Flaunt caught up with the superstar activist to see what she’s up to, and how she has the time to fit everything in her schedule.

For more information, click here.

Sabrina Greenlee